7 Things You Must Clean Before Moving into Your New Apartment

Moving into a new apartment may be both exhilarating and intimidating. If you are moving into a brand new and previously unoccupied construction, you'll have to worry about hazardous construction dust and dirt; if you are moving into a space where tenants have already resided, you will have a different set of issues, and here are seven spots you really must clean before you move.

  • Bathroom:

The bathroom is the ideal area to begin your move-in cleaning. It makes sense to start cleaning there because it was likely used during the move-out and you will want to use it during the move-in. Wipe down windows and mirrors, clean cabinets, and closets, scrub the tub and shower, disinfect the toilet, and clean the sink area. Don't forget to clean and disinfect the bathroom exhaust fan. 

  • Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposals may rapidly turn into stinky messes, and if the previous tenant left some food particles in the machine, they could make your kitchen smell awful. Turn the disposal on, give it a good flush with water, and if the smell still exists, look for the right cleaning supplies to fully clean it.

  • Doorknobs and Switches

Do a bacterial swab test of your apartment, especially on doors, doorknobs, light switches. You will discover massive amounts of developing bacteria on every doorknob and switches. Of course, not all of these germs will be hazardous, but some of them have the ability to hide in spores that can remain dormant for months.

  • Cabinets

Before moving in, you must deep clean all the cabinets in your space. From kitchen cabinets to bathroom cabinets and living area cabinets, its imperative that you clean all the corners and also the handles of the cabinets. We don’t want to sound nasty, but insect eggs are difficult to detect and can lay dormant for long periods of time.

  • Refrigerator

We have all seen filthy refrigerators, and we are all aware that germs can thrive in frigid temperatures — just not as quickly as it can in the danger zone between 40 and 140 degrees. Look for any concealed filth and grime in the glass shelf supports, door gaskets, and connectors.

  • Dishwasher

Many people believe that dishwashers clean themselves since new soap is added during each wash cycle. But if you look inside, there's a filter that might be blocked with years' worth of food debris. Before you put anything in the dishwasher, ensure sure everything is clean and sanitized because some soaps also leave a disgusting and clinging residue.

  • Rest of the Space

Continue cleaning item by item rather than room by room for the remainder of the task. Start at the ceiling and work your way down. Don’t forget the surfaces that are simple to miss, such the tops of doors, windows, and window coverings, etc. With a good vacuum attachment, you can remove most of this dust and debris, which may subsequently be removed with clean, moist cloths. Finally, finish with the floors. 

Since this major undertaking is not for everyone, you might choose to hire move-in house cleaning services so you can concentrate on settling into your new residence. Regardless of how you decide to handle your move-in cleaning, it will significantly speed up the process and help you quickly settle into your new home.  For a smooth transition, hire Sparkle Freshness. Our experience team can handle all your cleaning needs. Contact us right away at (858) 352-9860 or visit our website www.sparklefreshness.com to get a free estimate today.


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